Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This Blogging Thing...

Okay, so it's getting easier the more I tinker on this new thing called "blogging". It's kind of cool, yesterday I added a music play list which is actually pretty good. I listened to it this morning and thought, mmm... I could just listen to my own music player on my blog page. I don't know if people do that but I think it's cool. Today, I just added a counter on my page to see who has visited me. Thanks to the blogger site, I have found some really user friendly things to add to my site to make it unique. This "blogging thing" that I've really just started has been very freeing in that it allows me to let my creativity flow. I love to write and it gives me a way to just practice writing as I go. Thank God for the summer, I don't know how I'm gonna keep this going while I work during the school year, but I will try and find a way. But for right now, it is serving it's purpose.


Anonymous said...

I wll have to agree with you too. I am new at this blogging thing as well. I have been blogging for about a week now and I enjoy it it's very theraputic for me. Keep at it you're doing well.

Nadia B.

Sara said...

It's a great way to get out your feelings isn't it!