So, umm...yeah...I haven't posted in a while as you can see,lol...
But I felt the urge to post today because I am doing my favorite pre-poo treatment...Alma Treatment. I have the recipe on my site if you are interested in trying this out for yourself. I haven't had a chance to do my Amla treatments in a while. I'd like to say that I would do these once every 2 weeks but I'd be lying,lol. As a natural, I tend to want to try other pre-poos or brands in between doing Alma's and most of the time, my results aren't the same. I like to take pictures of my hair journey from time to time and it really helps me to document what styles or products work. When I looked back at my log, I realized that the last time I had washed my hair, it was on March 31st...yeah...I know.
I have been doing good things with my twists while they've been in for over a month. I spritz them at night and seal with either an oil or a Shea butter mixture. That kept my hair moisturized. I tell you it takes a while for me to do my hair, which isn't a bad thing because that means my hair is growing...ya! But it does take a while and since I've decided to add more twists to my hair, it takes even longer. The end result though is a style that can be done in many ways...up dos, ponytails, crinkly twists where if you braid them up at night after misting and sealing, you have wavy (crinkly) twists in the morning and a new hairstyle. The versatility of twists are endless, but when you are putting them in, you aren't as enthused about it,lol.
So today's post is two fold...I want to review the new products I'm trying and then show the final result of my twists.
In my Amla treatments, instead of using my usual cheaper conditioners I added a new one I bought recently called Andalou Naturals Moisture Rich Conditioner Argan and Sweet Orange -- 11.5 fl oz. Here is a pic...

My other purchase of new hair products was a shampoo and leave in conditioner that I've had my eye on in a while. Prior to buying the above product, I also got
Beautiful Curls Curly to Kinky Shampoo and Leave-in from Whole Foods a while back. I looked them up on my phone while at the store and saw some good reviews and decided to give it a try. I am on the hunt for a shampoo that won't strip my hair so I am going to see if this does the trick. Here is a pic below...
So I am in for a treat and ready to see how my hair will turn out...I will twist with my home made Shea butter mix (also on this site for the recipe) and go from there. Twisting my hair can no longer be done in one night so this will take a couple of days (I hope) but I'm ready for it. So stay tuned for my next post on my results...
The Natural Hair Diaries