Hello everyone, I'm back with my latest update on my blog and I wanted to share what I'm doing now with my hair. This weekend I decided to try a honey conditioning
prepoo treatment. I like to do
prepoos (sounds funny I know) because it cuts down on the in and out of the shower routine. You can also call this dry conditioning, where you are basically putting a conditioning treatment on your hair prior to washing. So for my treatment this weekend I did a Rosemary Honey Moisturizing treatment. I always wanted to use honey as a treatment in my hair so I decided to give it a try. This
recipe was one I found at
http://www.motowngirl.com/ site. The ingredients are...
1/2 cup of honey
2 teaspoons of warmed olive oil
4-5 drops of Rosemary essential oil.
Mix together and apply on hair prior to washing.
Leave on for 30 mins under dryer and longer with out the dryer.
(Rosemary is good to help hair grow and honey adds shine and softness to natural hair. )
Next I warmed a towel in the microwave and paced that along with a plastic cap over my head for about an hour. I was watching the Kings of Comedy on Comedy central and got sidetracked but it was cool 'cause the longer the better for my hair.
I realized that 1/2 cup of honey is alot of honey to use for a treatment. I only needed about half of that for my hair so I am saving the rest in the fridge for the next time. (Note to self, remind hubby not to throw out my treatment in the fridge,lol...)
Afterwards, I washed my hair in the shower with Curls Creamy Curl Cleanser (from Target).

I liked this cleanser because it doesn't contain sodium
Lauryl sulfate, which is a drying agent in many shampoos. Smells great too.
Afterwards, I applied my leave in (mixture of olive oil, aloe
Vera juice,
Kemi Oyl (old school), and Knot Today's Leave in Conditioner). I liked this mix and I started using it after I heard about it from Kim Love's
YouTube site over a month ago. You can check out the
recipe for her Leave in on there. Just type in Kim Love on YouTube and look it up. She doesn't use
Kemi Oyl but you can use what ever oil you'd like.
Next, I twisted my hair in two strand twists all over. I am doing more protective styling this Winter vs. wearing my hair out. It's time for a trim so I will probably break my routine to go in for a trim and press and curl this month. I'll post pics of this as well.
Results...the pic below shows it.

I liked it! My hair felt soft and moisturized. I am definitely going to do this more often.
Next hair blogs to look for...
- Trim and press at the Salon
- Protien Treatment
- Henna Gloss (Really excited about this one)
More to come later...until then, be blessed and stay natural.